I picked up David and his grandson Henry at the marina for a day of Amelia Island Inshore Fishing.
Our main goal was to fish for slot redfish.
We headed south about 8 miles to our first fishing spot.
We had some nice live shrimp in our live well for the days fishing.
We had put the power poles down and got out the rods with 3/8 oz jigheads. We were fishing a small flat with deep water on either side of it.
We rigged a shrimp on and Henry gave it a good toss. I explained to him about how the tide was moving and what to look for.
Henry was full of questions about saltwater fishing. It was great talking to him.
Henry did a lot of fishing for bass and bream back home.
He hooked up with a small trout within a few minutes and brought it nicely to the boat.
He caught a couple more trout at this spot but no redfish.
We moved to another spot close by and seen some redfish, but they wanted nothing to do with our baits.
Since we could not get them to eat I suggested that if he wanted to we could go after big fish.
Henry was all smiles when I asked him, so we got everything squared away and headed back to a deep hole where we have been doing well.
I got out the heavier rods and rigged them up with some dead pogeys that were netted the day before.
It was not 15 minutes when the rod started to scream. I handed the rod to Henry and he started fighting the fish. He did an excellent job getting him to the boat.
His very first Amelia Island inshore fishing redfish was a great 38″ beast. He ended up catching two more huge redfish along with a couple bonnethead sharks.
We even had about a 4-foot hammerhead.